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SATs Key Stage 2 Science Past Year Papers

SATs (or Standard Assessment Tests) are national tests given to children at school. They are also known as 'SATs papers', 'SATs exams' or 'SATs tests'. 

Don't confuse SATs papers (a British national assessment) with "S.A.Ts". Young adults take S.A.T papers in the USA to measure their critical thinking. S.A.Ts are a completely different test to SATs.
In primary school, children take their Key Stage 1 (KS1) SATs at the end of Year 2 and their Key Stage 2 (KS2) SATs at the end of Year 6. SATs papers are taken in English Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GaPS or SPaG). Separate SATs papers are also taken in Writing and Science though these are less formal teacher assessments.

In secondary school, children take their Key Stage 3 (KS3) SATs at the end of Year 9. Children can expect tests in English Reading, Writing Maths, Science and Shakespeare. Rather than externally moderated exams, these tests are teacher assessments.

"SATs week" is when all KS2 SATs tests take place across the UK. For KS1 SATs, schools are granted the flexibility of administering them at a time that's convenient to them throughout the whole of May 2020. For the 2020 KS2 SATs, the 'SATs week' will be the week commencing Monday 11th May 2020.

All KS2 SATs papers are securely transported and marked externally. In addition to KS1, KS2, KS3 SATs, plenty of schools set Optional SATs for children in other years. This is largely to help children prepare for future exams as well as to help their teachers keep an eye on their academic performance.

SATs papers have changed a number of times over the past few years. It is important that you understand these changes so your children practise the right topics. In 2016, new SATs papers were created by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA). This followed the Department for Education's (DfE) introduction of a new national curriculum. The reporting of marks was also changed and a new scaled score system was introduced. Instead of raw marks and levels, children are told whether they have met the expected standard.

There are now four sets of SATs past papers (2016 to 2019) that can be used to prepare for the 2020 SATs and 2021 SATs. You should download all of these to help your student prepare for the 2020 SATs.

SATs papers before 2016 were written for the earlier national curriculum. Some topics were removed and others were added. If used carefully, these earlier SATs papers are very useful for practice.

KS2 SATs papers were first introduced in 1995. Since then, KS2 SATs have broadly remained the same with English, Maths and Science all tested. However, the tests themselves have changed their structure numerous times. For example, were you to have sat your Maths KS2 SATs in 2001 and been entered into a level 6 test, you could have potentially sat six individual KS2 SATs. Contrast this with 2009 where you would have only sat four KS2 SATs.

In 2009, it was decided that KS2 Science SATs would no longer be externally examined and would instead become "teacher assessments". In 2010, this was expanded to include the KS2 English Writing.

KS2 SATs papers are split into tests children take in the classroom and the exam room. English Reading, Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (SPaG or GaPS) and Maths tests are taken in the exam room (under formal, timed exam conditions). English Writing and Science are taken in an informal classroom test called a 'teacher assessment'.

At the end of this article, you can download SATs Key Stage 2 Science Past Year Papers for Year 1999 to 2019. All the educational stuff on this site is free and safe for educational purpose.


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